WordPress Templates is a unique type of file that defines the content area of a web page. It outlines areas such as the header, footer, content, and sidebars. It is typically referred to as a base example of a structured piece of content or data to use as a starting point in the creation of content.

WordPress Templates are available for modifying certain pages of your site. Apart from the default WordPress templates, you can find some unique templates to give a different layout to any specific page. However, adding a new template into your site isn’t as easy as adding a theme, you can add any specific theme on your site just by adding it into your dashboard whereas for adding a specific template, you must have a good command over HTML, CSS, and PHP.

People often get confused by assuming that both WordPress theme and WordPress templates are the same things but it isn’t so. The theme is used in changing the whole design of your site whereas templates are used to change the layout of a specific page. Templates are just a page layout so one cannot change the design of their site by using a template.For adding new WordPress template, you need to change the theme of your site then you can make your way to change the template. If you have a good command over the CSS, HTML, and PHP then you can also create your own custom templates.

Templates are the part of the theme, you can find default templates in all themes whereas not all themes have unique templates to give a different layout to your page. By using WordPress templates, you can easily change the location of certain elements of your page.

For applying a WordPress page template, all you need to do is:

  • For adding a new template to your page, go to the page menu located in the WordPress Dashboard then click on the edit or add a page.
  • Then you will find a page attribute section, here in a drop-down menu, all the available templates will be listed. (Templates availability solely depends on your WordPress theme)
  • After selecting your choice of template, you can preview how your page will look after applying the template.
  • After sorting all these things, lastly, you need to publish the page.