The uses of tags in WordPress is to categorize your WordPress posts. It acts like a keyword that defines a portion of a post or all of it. The tag is one of the default tools of the WordPress but it is completely optional and you can skip the tag part completely if you want to. The tag belongs to a type of taxonomies (taxonomies refers to a way of grouping things together) and it helps in managing and organizing the content of the website.
When the audience will click on any particular tag then they will be directed to an archive page where all the posts bearing the same tag will be listed in a series. It makes it convenient for the visitors to find your content and you can add as many tags as you want on your post. The uses of tags in WordPress is basically to give an idea about the content by categorizing it into relevant tags.
The most important thing that one needs to ensure while adding tags is that not to add excessive tags as then there will be fewer chances of making it to the topic listings.Tags tell the audience more about the depth of the content so all you need to do is pick up the words which best describes your post.
For adding tags to your post in WordPress:
To add tags to your post, all you need to do is go to the blog’s admin area then click on the posts then from there you need a click on the Add New option. From here, you can write new posts and add tags relevant to the post in the tag field. To reap the rewards in the long term,always ensure to add only relevant tags in your post.