Template tags in WordPress are used to modify your blog how you want and show information in a format interesting to readers. It is simply a code which helps in fetching content from your database, the content can include anything from a blog title, blog header, and blog footer etc.You can use the_title(); to call the title of page or blog post in the template. People having a thorough knowledge of codes and WordPress Tags can easily modify the outlook of their WordPress blog. You can use template tags for making your theme more comprehend by separating the theme into smaller sections.

Let’s consider some of the WordPress-specific tags which are used to exhibit the blog content dynamically:

  • Here is the template tag used to fetch the header.php file -<?php get_header(); ?>
  • Here is the template tag used to fetch the footer.php file -<?php get_footer(); ?>
  • Here is the template tag used to fetch the sidebar.php file -<?php get_sidebar(); ?>

You can make use of template tags throughout your template files, for instance- category.php, author.php, and index.php etc. It becomes easier for the WordPress user to call any content on his site.

Here are a few more template tags which help in calling the content anywhere you want on the site:

  • <?php the_title(); ?> – To display any specific title of your post, you need to use this template tag on your WordPress site.
  • <?php the_author(); ?> – To display any particular author of your post, you need to use this template tag on your WordPress site.
  • <?php the_category(‘, ‘) ?> -To display any particular category of your post, you need to use this template tag on your WordPress site.
  • <?php the_content(); ?> -To display content of your post, you need to use this template tag on your WordPress site.
  • <?php edit_post_link(); ?> -To edit your post’s link, you need to use this template tag on your WordPress site.
  • <?php wp_list_pages(); ?>-To enlist all your pages of the site, you need to use this template tag on your WordPress site.
  • <?php next_post_link(‘ %link ‘) ?> -To display the link of your next post, you need to use this template tag on your WordPress site.
  • <?php previous_post_link(‘%link’) ?> – To display the link of your previous post, you need to use this template tag on your WordPress site.

Template tags in WordPress can easily be recognized as the tags are simply named, and you can also use it in multiple theme files.