The World Wide Web (WWW) is only a part of the internet and the driving application language or protocol that drives the web is referred to as HTTP or Hypertext Transfer Protocol. Often mistaken for HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) to the ill-informed, HTTP is the essential building block for communication across the web. Originally, HTTP’s development was initiated in 1989, but the version of HTTP/1 that we know today first made its evolving appearance in 1997 in the Internet Engineering Task Force’s RFCs 2068, revisited in 1999, and ultimately updated once again in 2015 as HTTP/2.
HTTP’s main function is a request-response protocol, present in a client-server model. For instance, your web browser can be seen as a client and the computer hosting a website could be considered or viewed as a server. The web browser (client) sends an HTTP ticket to the server, which in turns opens resources such as HTML files and other content related request files associated with the server and the requested content.